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Transform your business with AI to enhance efficiency and reduce costs

Text to Speech
"The development of AI is as fundamental as the creation of the personal computer, the Internet, and the mobile phone. Businesses will distinguish themselves by how well they use it." - Bill Gates

of organizations expect gen AI to be transformative but only 31% have invested significantly


of Fortune 500 companies use Generative AI tooling


of American job roles will be disrupted by Generative AI technologies

AI is more accessible than ever before. 

You’ve read the news. You’ve seen ChatGPT. Recent developments have made it possible for anyone to leverage generative AI in their business. 

And the businesses that take advantage of it first will thrive. From HR teams to software engineers, everyone can benefit. 

And if you feel like you’re too late to the AI party, don’t fret. This is just the tip of the iceberg, and since you’re reading this, you are way ahead of the curve.

So how do I use it?

There’s countless ways you can use generative AI on your team. Let’s get specific: 

Writing: emails, blog posts, contracts - can all be written with the help of generative AI models. Let’s be clear: it’s not replacing your writing. It’s just helping you get from first draft to publish much, much faster. 

Brainstorming: make your presentations, marketing plans, and customer surveys twice as fast. Generative AI can help you get over writer’s block and start quickly generating ideas 

Media: pictures, audio, and even videos can be made from a single sentence. From making stock images for your website to producing full-length podcasts, generative AI is essential to your creative workflows. 

Your Favorite Software: chances are, your go-to tools are being upgraded with generative AI. These include platforms like Google, Microsoft, Zoom, and Salesforce, just to name a few.

But first, let’s set the record straight. 

We want to be honest: generative AI today is nowhere near perfect. It still makes plenty of mistakes, and there’s some places it simply falls short. 

But we firmly believe that it’s only getting exponentially better. Any use case you can think of will most likely happen in the next 5 years. 

This means if you can start using generative AI right now, you’ll be way ahead of your competition as it continues to improve. 

And it means if your business doesn’t use it now, it might be even tougher to catch up later. 

How can we help?

We offer two services that can help your team unlock value from generative AI.

How will AI change your business?